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Brace yourself for the fastest super drive in the world! The NEW SDLT 600. Featuring an unprecedented 72 MB/s compressed transfer rate and a colossal 600 GB of compressed storage, there's never been anything quite like it. Designed and built for automation, the SDLT 600 is backward compatible to the SDLT 320 and DLT VS160.
In addition to its heart-pounding performance, the SDLT 600 is also highly intelligent. It includes the revolutionary DLTSage™, a suite of management tools designed to give you the power of knowing – that your data is safe and protected while applications remain available and secure.
Superior Manageability: Communicates status to the user through DLTSage, Quantum's industry unique drive management system
Enterprise-Ready: 2GB optical Fibre Channel interface supports all common networking topologies
Superior Capacity: Highest DLTtape storage capacity: 300GB native (600GB compressed).
Sustained Transfer Rate:
Native 36MB/sec
Compressed (2:1 ratio) 72MB/sec
Burst Transfer Rate:
Ultra 160 160MB/sec (max)
Fibre Channel: 200MB/sec (max)
Formatted Capacity:
Native 300GB
Compressed 600GB
Cartridge Load Time:
To BOT (Formatted) 12 seconds
To BOT (Unformatted) 40 seconds
Average File Access Time:
79 seconds
Interfaces Available:
LVD ULTRA, 160 SCSI, 2 GB Fibre Channel