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SG-ARY171A-436R4StorEdge A1000 Drive Tray Configuration:
436GB (12 x 36.4GB 10,000rpm disk drives) - Pre-tested
StorEdge A1000 with 1 HW RAID controller, 24MB cache, 2
power supplies, 2 fan trays (4 fans), 2 differential
UltraSCSI to host ports, universal rackmount railsArrays
SG-XARY030AStorEdge 72-inch Expansion Rack - including 2
power sequencers and cablesExpansion
SG-XDSK010C-18GStorEdge UniPack - 18GB 10,000rpm disk
SG-XDSK020C-72GStorEdge MultiPack - 72.8GB (2 x 36.4GB
10,000rpm disk drives)Expansion
SG-XDSK020HH-72GStorEdge MultiPack - 72.8GB (2 x 36.4GB
10,000rpm 1.6" disk drives)Expansion
SG-XDSK060C-218GStorEdge MultiPack - 218GB (6 x 36.4GB
10,000rpm disk drives)Expansion
SG-XDSK060HH-218GStorEdge MultiPack - 218GB (6 x 36.4GB
10,000rpm 1.6" disk drives)Expansion
SG-XFDSK020C-36GStorEdge MultiPack - 36.4 GB (2 x 18.2GB
10,000rpm disk drives)Expansion
SG-XFDSK020E-72GStorEdge MultiPack - 72.8GB (2 x 36.4GB
10,000rpm disk drives)Expansion
SG-XFDSK060C-109GStorEdge MultiPack - 109.2 GB (6 x
18.2GB 10,000rpm disk drives)Expansion
SG-XFDSK060E-218GStorEdge MultiPack-FC - 218GB (6 x
36.4GB 10,000rpm disk drives)Expansion
SG-XLIBL180-BASE2StorEdge L180 Tape Library - Basic
Library enclosure with 80 slots. Includes 10 x cartridge
ports, support for up to 6 x 9x40 or 10 x SDLT/LTO
drives, power supply. (can be upgraded to 180
SG-XLIBL700-BASE3StorEdge L700e Tape Library - base
configuration (offered at a substantial discount, but
without Horizon Software) with a minimum 1 year
SG-XMT1-H2D1T1StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives, one DVD-ROM and one tape drive (2 x
18.2GB, 1 x DVD-ROM, 1 x DDS-4 tape drive)Expansion
SG-XMT1-H2D2StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives, two DVD-ROM, (2 x 18.2GB, 2 x
SG-XMT1-H2T2StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives and two tape drives (2 x 18.2GB disk
drives, 2 x DDS-4 tape drive)Expansion
SG-XMT1-H4StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with four
disk drives (2 x 18.2GB, 2 x 18.2GB)Expansion
SG-XMT2-H2D1T1StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives, one tape drive and one DVD-ROM (2 x
36GB HDDs, 1 x DDS-4, 1 x DVD)Expansion
SG-XMT2-H2D2StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives and two DVD-ROMs (2 x 36GB HDDs, 2 x
SG-XMT2-H2T2StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives and two tape drives (2 x 36GB HDDs, 2 x
SG-XMT2-H4StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with four
disk drives (2 x 36GB HDDs, 2 x 36GB HDDs)Expansion
SG-XMT3-H2D1T1AStorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives, 1 DVD-ROM and one tape drive (2 x 73GB
HDDs, 1 x DVD-ROM, 1 x DAT 72)Expansion
SG-XMT3-H3D1StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
three disk drives and one DVD-ROM (3 x 73GB HDDs, 1 x
SG-XMT3-H4StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with four
disk drives (2 x 73GB HDDs, 2 x 73GB HDDs)Expansion
SG-XMT4-H2D1T1AStorEdge D240 Media Tray - Rackmount with
two disk drives, 1 DVD-ROM and one tape drive (2 x 146GB
HDDs, 1 x DVD-ROM, 1 x DAT 72)Expansion
SG-XMTST1-H2D1T1StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top
with two disk drives, one DVD-ROM and one tape drive (2
x 18.2GB disk drives, 1 x DVD-ROM, 1 x DDS-4 tape
SG-XMTST1-H2D2StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top with
two disk drives, two DVD-ROM, (2 x 18.2GB, 2 x
SG-XMTST1-H2T2StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top with
two disk drives and two tape drives (2 x 18.2GB disk
drives, 2 x DDS-4 tape drive)Expansion
SG-XMTST1-H4StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top with
four disk drives (2 x 18.2GB, 2 x 18.2GB)Expansion
SG-XMTST2-H2D1T1StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top
with two disk drives, one tape drive and one DVD-ROM (2
x 36GB HDDs, 1 x DDS-4 and 1 x DVD)Expansion
SG-XMTST2-H4StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top with
four disk drives (2 x 36GB HDDs, 2 x 36GB HDDs)Expansion
SG-XMTST3-H2D1T1StorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top
with two disk drives, one tape drive and one DVD-ROM (2
x 73GB HDDs, 1 x DDS-4 and 1 x DVD)Expansion
SG-XMTST3-H2D1T1AStorEdge D240 Media Tray - Server Top
with two disk drives, 1 DVD-ROM and one tape drive (2 x
73GB HDDs, 1 x DVD-ROM, 1 x DAT 72)Expansion
SG-XPCI1FC-JF2PCI - JNI 2GB Single Port Fibre Channel
Host Adapter with Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software
SG-XPCI1FC-JN2StorEdge 2Gb JNI PCI Single Fibre Channel
network adapterI/O
SG-XPCI1FC-QF2PCI - 2GB Single Fibre Channel network
SG-XPCI2FC-JF2PCI - JNI 2GB Dual Port Fibre Channel Host
Adapter with Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software
SG-XPCI2FC-QF2PCI - 2GB Dual Fibre Channel network
SG-XPCI2SCSI-LM320PCI/PCI-X - Dual channel Ultra320
differential SCSI host bus adapterI/O
SG-XSW16-32PRedundant FC16-port switchExpansion
SG-XTAPDAT72-5F68StorEdge DAT 72 Tape Drive - for 5.25"
X1192A360MHz UltraSPARC-II processor with 4MB L2
X1195A450MHz UltraSPARC-II processor with 4MB L2
X1232AcPCI - Single Ended UltraSCSI + 10/100 EthernetI/O
X1234AcPCI - Quad Fast Ethernet NIC (QFE)I/O
X1261AcPCI - Gigabit Ethernet NICI/O
X1266ASun ATM cPCI adapterI/O
X1268ASun ATM cPCI adapter NICI/O
X2069APCI - Gigabit Ethernet network interface card +
FC-AL controller combo cardI/O
X2131ASunPCI II Coprocessor PCI card with Celeron 600MHz
CPU, 64MB SODIMM memoryBase
X2132ASunPCI II Coprocessor PCI card with 128MB SODIMM
X2134ASunPCI III Coprocessor PCI card with AMD Athlon XP
1600+ processor, 256MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM.Base
X2136ASunPCI IIIpro CoProcessor PCI card with AMD Athlon
XP 2100+ CPU and 256MB of memoryBase
X2156APCI - Serial Asynchronous interface PCI bus
adapter 3.0 for Solaris 8 and earlierI/O
X2222APCI - 2 Fast Ethernet Interfaces + 2 SCSI
X2763ASystem Controller Board Version 2I/O
X2764AVersion 2 Interface board, standby system
X3150APCI - GigaSwift Ethernet UTP (Copper)I/O
X3151APCI - GigaSwift Ethernet MMF (Fiber)I/O
X3256AXVR-1000 graphics controller with 30-bit
X3670ACreator3D Series 3 graphics controller with
vertical board orientationGraphics
X3678AExpert3D graphics controller with vertical board
X3679AElite3D m6 Series II graphics controller with
vertical board orientationGraphics
X3684AExpert3D-Lite graphics controller with 16MB
texture memoryGraphics
X3685AXVR-500 graphics controller with 24-bit
X3689AXVR-1200 graphics controller with 24-bit
X3692ASun Fire Visual Grid Interconnect. High-bandwidth
interconnect for Sun Fire Visual Grid Systems. Includes
6 x Myrinet PCI cards, 3 x 25 m cables and a USB PCI
X3768APGX64 8 and 24-bit color frame buffer (only for
PCI systems)Graphics
X3769AXVR-100 graphics controller with 24-bit
X3770AXVR-100 graphics controller with 24-bit
X3780AXVR-600 graphics controller with 24-bit
X3895ACluster 4 port SCI switch. Used with Sun Cluster
when expanding beyond two nodes.I/O
X4004ASun Fire Server CPU/MEM Board Bundle includes 2 x
UltraSPARC-III 750MHz processors with 2 licenses, 2 x
8MB EcacheBase
X4005ASun Fire Server CPU/MEM Board Bundle includes 4 x
UltraSPARC-III 750MHz processors with 4 licenses, 4 x
8MB EcacheBase
X4011ACrypto Accelerator 4000 Crypto board for
X4012ACrypto Accelerator 4000 Crypto board for
X4050APCI I/O Assembly (8 slot)I/O
X4340ARedundant Transfer Switch with 2 x AC Modules for
Sun Fire 6800 and Sun Fire Expansion CabinetExpansion
X4341ARedundant Transfer Switch AC Module for Sun Fire
Expansion CabinetExpansion
X4343ARack Mount for F4800 / E4900Base
X4344ADeskside Kit for Server 4800Base
X4347AExpansion Kit for Sun Fire Expansion
X4349AEarthquake restraint hardware. Includes a set of
four cabinet hold down brackets.Expansion
X4359ARackmount Rails kit for Unipacks in a Sun Fire
6800 server cabinetExpansion
X4422APCI - Dual Gigabit Ethernet + Dual SCSI adapterI/O
X4444APCI - Quad GigaSwift Ethernet UTP Adapter (full
X4575AhsPCI assembly. Includes four standard PCI slots
(2 x 66MHz and 2 x 33MHz) in four cassettesI/O
X4576AhsPCI+ assembly. Includes four standard PCI slots
(3 x 66MHz and 1 x 33MHz) in four cassettesI/O
X5010APCI - Single-ended UltraSCSI host adapter cardI/O
X5242A36.4GB Ultra SCSI-3 10,000rpm 1" disk driveDrives
X5264A73GB Ultra320 SCSI 10,000rpm disk driveDrives
X5265A73GB Ultra3 SCSI 10,000rpm disk driveDrives
X5268A146GB Ultra3 SCSI LVD 10,000rpm disk driveDrives
X5405A80GB EIDE ATA/100 7,200rpm disk driveDrives
X6090AXVR-4000 graphics controller with 30-bit color,
144MB frame-buffer memory and 4 x 256MB texture
X6168A10x-speed internal DVD-ROM driveDrives
X6175AInternal DVD-ROMDrives
X6180A256MB (1 x 256MB DIMM) SDRAM memory
X6181A512MB (1 x 512MB DIMM) SDRAM memory
X6185A80GB EIDE ATA/100 7,200rpm disk driveDrives
X6187AInternal CD-RWDrives
X6282A12/24GB 4mm DDS3 internal tape driveDrives
X6286A12/24GB 4mm DDS-3 internal tape driveDrives
X6295A20GB 4mm DDS-4 internal tape driveDrives
X6297A20GB 4mm DDS-4 internal tape driveDrives
X6540APCI - Dual Channel, single-ended UltraSCSI host
bus adapterI/O
X6541APCI - Dual Channel, differential UltraSCSI host
bus adapterI/O
X6542APCI - SRC/P UltraSCSI hardware RAID controller;
includes PCI controller card, two external 2-meter SCSI
data cables, software supplement CD and SRC/P User's
X6724A36GB FC-AL 10,000rpm 1" disk driveDrives
X6727APCI - Dual FC Network Adapter with internal FC
interface. 100MB/s per channel with optical
X6728A18.2GB FC-AL 10,000rpm disk drive (1")Drives
X6731AFC-AL 100MB/s Giga Bit Interface Connector (GBIC)
X6741A18.2GB FC-AL 10,000rpm disk drive (1") Solaris
X6742A73GB FC-AL 10,000rpm 1" disk driveDrives
X6746ARedundant FC 8-port switchExpansion
X6747A36.4GB FC-AL 10,000rpm disk drive (1") Solaris
X6749AcPCI - Dual channel, differential UltraSCSI host
bus adapterI/O
X6756AExpansion disk backplane with 6 x 73GB FC-AL
10,000rpm disk drives (may only be installed in a system
with all six drive bays filled)Drives
X6758APCI - Dual Channel Ultra3 SCSI host bus adapterI/O
X6762ACrypto Accelerator 1000I/O
X6799APCI - Single FC Network Adapter 100MB/s with
optical interfaceI/O
X6805A73GB FC-AL 10,000rpm 1" disk driveDrives
X6808A23" 2-post Hendry Rack Mount KitExpansion
X6858AExpansion disk backplane with 6 x 146GB FC-AL
10,000rpm disk drives (may only be installed in a system
with all six drive bays filled)Drives
X6895ACPU/MEM Board bundle including 2 x UltraSPARC-III
Cu 1.2GHz processors each with 8MB Ecache, 4GB (16 x
256MB) memoryBase
X6898A600MHz UltraSPARC-III processor module with 4MB L2
X6990A750MHz UltraSPARC-III processor module with 8MB L2
X7000A900MHz UltraSPARC-III processor module with 8MB L2
X7003A128MB ECC Memory Expansion (2 x 64MB DIMMs)Memory
X7004A256MB ECC Memory Expansion (2 x 128MB DIMMs)Memory
X7005A512MB ECC Memory Expansion (2 x 256MB DIMMs)Memory
X7009A900MHz UltraSPARC-III Cu processor module with 8MB
L2 cacheBase
X7017A1.05GHz UltraSPARC-III Cu processor module with
8MB L2 cacheBase
X7042A128MB SODIMM memory expansion for SunPCI II
X7043A128MB ECC Memory Expansion (2 x 64MB DIMMs)Memory
X7044A256MB SODIMM memory expansion for SunPCI II
X7045A512MB SODIMM memory expansion for SunPCI II
X7051A2GB Memory Expansion (4 x 512MB SDRAM DIMMs)Memory
X7052A4GB memory expansion kit (4 x 1GB SDRAM
X7053A1GB Memory Expansion (4 x 256MB SDRAM DIMMs)Memory
X7056A4GB Memory Expansion (4 x 1GB SDRAM DIMMs)Memory
X7057ACPU/MEM Board bundle including 4 x UltraSPARC-III
Cu 900MHz processors each with 8MB L2 cache, 8GB (32 x
256MB DIMMs) memory.Base
X7061A1GB Memory Expansion kit (4 x 256MB SDRAM
X7062A2GB Memory Expansion (4 x 512MB SDRAM DIMMs)Memory
X7063A4GB Memory Expansion (4 x 1GB SDRAM DIMMs)Memory
X7064A1.015GHz UltraSPARC-III Cu processor module with
8MB L2 cacheBase
X7066A256MB SODIMM memory expansion for SunPCI III
X7067A512MB SODIMM memory expansion for SunPCI III
X7085A19-inch Rackmount kitExpansion
X7088ASlimline CD-ROM DriveDrives
X7091A256MB PC133 ECC SDRAMMemory
X7092A512MB PC133 ECC SDRAMMemory
X7093A1GB PC133 ECC SDRAMMemory
X7097A80GB EIDE 7,200rpm disk driveDrives
X7310AUltraSPARC-III Cu 1.2GHz processor with 8MB L2
X7405ASun Crypto Accelerator 500I/O
X7406AUltraSPARC-IIIi 1.0GHz processor with 1MB L2
X7407ARedundant AC single power supplyI/O
X7410AInternal DVD-ROMDrives
X7412AUltraSPARC-IIIi 1.28GHz processor with 1MB L2
X7414ARedundant AC power supplyI/O
X7415ACPU/MEM bundle including 1 x UltraSPARC-IIIi Cu
1.062GHz processors with 1MB L2 cache and 2GB (4 x 512MB
DIMMs) memoryBase
X7416ACPU/MEM bundle including 1 x UltraSPARC-IIIi Cu
1.28GHz processors with 1MB L2 cache and 4GB (4 x 1GB
DIMMs) memoryBase
X7417A2-Post Rackmount kitExpansion
X7418AFan Kit to allow support for 1GB DIMMsI/O
X7420AUltraSPARC-IIIi 1.06GHz processor with 1MB L2
X7602A512MB PC2100 ECC DDR Memory Expansion (2 x 256MB
X7603A1GB PC2100 ECC DDR Memory Expansion (2 x 512MB
X7604A2GB PC2100 ECC DDR Memory Expansion (2 x 1GB
X7702A512MB PC2100 ECC DDR1 Memory Expansion (2 x 256MB
X7703A1GB PC2100 ECC DDR1 Memory Expansion (2 x 512MB
X7704A2GB PC2100 ECC DDR1 Memory Expansion (2 x 1GB
X7711A4GB PC2100 ECC DDR1 Memory Expansion (2 x 2GB
X9004A48X CD-RW driveDrives
X913AFast Wide to Narrow SCSI Adapter for DDS-3 4mm Tape
X9242AAMD Opteron 242 (1.6GHz) processor with 1MB L2
X9244AAMD Opteron 244 (1.8GHz) processor with 1MB L2
X9248AAMD Opteron 248 (2.2GHz) processor with 1MB L2
X9250AAMD Opteron 250 (2.4GHz) processor with 1MB L2
X9251A1GB DDR1/333 ECC Chipkill Memory Expansion (2 x
X9252A2GB DDR1/333 ECC Chipkill Memory Expansion (2 x
X9253A4GB DDR1/333 ECC Chipkill Memory Expansion (2 x
X9254A36GB Ultra320 SCSI 10,000rpm disk driveDrives
X9256A73GB Ultra320 SCSI 10,000rpm disk driveDrives
X9257A146GB Ultra320 SCSI 10,000rpm disk driveDrives
X9259ACD Drive/floppy driveDrives
X9260ADVD Drive/floppy driveDrives
X9265APCI-X - Ultra320 SCSI dual channel cardI/O
X9266A4GB DDR1/333 ECC Chipkill Memory Expansion (2 x
X9267ASlide rail kitExpansion
X9269APCI-X - RAID controllerI/O
X9270APCI-X - Infiniband low profileI/O
X9271APCI-X - Single port Gigabit Ethernet controllerI/O
X9272APCI-X - Dual port Gigabit Ethernet controllerI/O
X9273APCI-X - Quad port Gigabit Ethernet controllerI/O
X9279APCI-X - FC-AL 2 Gb/sec low profile 133MHzI/O
X9283ASun Fire V40z daughterboard with 2 x Opteron Model
844 (1.8GHz) processors, VRMs and heatsinksBase
X9284ASun Fire V40z daughterboard with 2 x Opteron Model
848 (2.2GHz) processors, VRMs and heatsinksBase
X9285ASun Fire V40z daughterboard with 2 x Opteron Model
850 (2.4GHz) processors, VRMs and heatsinksBase
X9289ASlimline DVD-ROM/Floppy drive moduleDrives
X9290ARedundant Power SupplyI/O
X9291A73GB Ultra320 SCSI 15,000rpm disk driveDrives