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Designed and deployed by major server and storage OEMs, the QLogic SANblade QLA2340 and QLA2340L host bus adapters (HBAs) offer the ultimate in performance: 2-Gbps Fibre Channel combined with 64-bit, 133-MHz PCI-X. Eliminating traditional host bottlenecks that impede the high performance of 2-Gbps Fibre Channel, this union of the fastest I/O and host technologies creates the perfect balanced solution. These HBAs are based on unique single chip fibre channel controller architecture from QLogic. These multimode optic HBAs are specifically designed for servers in direct attach storage (DAS) as well as storage area network (SAN) environments.
The QLA2340/2340L uniquely integrates a RISC processor, a Fibre protocol engine, and transceivers into a single, efficient FC controller chip that increases reliability and performance by lowering CPU utilization. The QLA2340/2340L HBA is validated by every major OEM including Dell, EMC, HDS, HP, IBM, and Sun. The QLA2340's extensive certification from major server and storage manufacturers makes it the perfect choice for multiplatform requirements.