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Variety of interface provided Total 4 kinds of different bus provided to support almost all range of duplication service (hard disc copy) on different interface, suitable for those users who need to handle different bus of duplication in their LAB, office, school, etc. To teacher, MIS of business enterprise, software engineer, DD-218 is gathering all what they will need within single machine and nothing else will satisfy them except the DD-218. For IDE and SATA bus, users can get 1 or 2 copied targets in single run. For SCSI and USB (USB pendrive only), users can get single target in each operation. Data transfer between different bus of hard disc copy is possible.
Users of hard drive duplicator always wish to finish the hard disc copy as soon as possible. The Quick copy function on DD-218 can satisfy such requirement easily. The Microsoft Windows system such as Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista , Linux, Apple Mac OS X, etc., are all available to be copied via Quick copy function that only the data area (including the hidden partition) will be copied onto target hard drives, leaving the free space untouched to save time. Through Quick copy function, the hard disc copy from smaller master onto larger capacity of targets is also available, even mixing of different capacity of targets within one operation. Another sophisticated Block copy function will do more flexible data copy for unknown OS system.