The EzCopy drive duplicator makes copying drives a fast, easy and virtually hands-free process. EzCopy drive copiers are designed either to copy IDE drives or to copy SATA drives. Only the EzCopy DD4 model (with CopyKluge) can copy IDE to SATA and SATA to IDE. Each EzCopy drive copier contains two removable drive caddies so it's easy to swap drives in and out of the copier. The EzCopy performs a bit by bit image copy of a source drive to a destination drive. The EzCopy drive copier is small enough to sit on a desktop. It requires no software and no connection to a computer. Select an EzCopy drive copier above for more detailed information.
EzCopy drive copiers perform fast and reliable hard disk duplication. Just insert your drives into the two removable drive caddies and push a button to initiate the drive copy. EzCopy DD3 models duplicate IDE drives;EzCopy DD4 models duplicate SATA drives.
EzCopy Drive Copier Features
Stand-alone IDE or SATA drive copier requires no computer hookup
Insert your drives, push a button, walk away
Copy SATA to SATA; Copy IDE to IDE
Copy SATA drive to IDE drive or IDE to SATA (optional with EzCopy DD4)
Copy your entire hard drive, making an exact bit by bit mirror image
Ideal for forensic applications
Push button operation - no software to install or learn
Copy drives lightning fast – less than one minute per gigabyte
Copy drives as large as 144 petabytes
Front panel status indicators
Copy drives of dissimilar sizes and from different manufacturers
Compact size makes EzCopy the perfect choice for OEMs, integrators, lab testing environments, service technicians
Easily switch from 2.5" to 3.5" hard disk caddies when necessary