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Copy - The Copy function duplicates the source to the selected target USB Flash drives
Verify - Examines if the target USB Flash Drives can be read correctly after copying
Copy and Verify - This combines both the Copy function and the Verify function together so after copying verify will automatically start
Format - Formats the USB Flash drives
Format, Copy and Verify - Combines all three functions together. After Formatting, Copy will automatically start and then verification that the target USB Flash drives can be read correctly will automatically start after the copy process completes
Image Copy - Copy from Image file to target USB Flash drives
Image Copy and Verify - This combines both the Image Copy and Verify functions together same as Copy and Verify
Format, Image Copy and Verify - This combines the three functions together same as Format, Copy and Verify
Create Image - This function allows user to create image file from any USB Flash drive for use with Image Copy
Duplicates 21 USB Flash Drives simultaneously
Powerful Aleratec USB Duplication Software Suite
PC Connected
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent; 1GB RAM
1 GB of free hard disk space for typical installation of all components
PC with one available USB 2.0 port available
Assembled in the USA from components sourced globally
Part# 330104
UPC 808068-00398-4
The innovative Aleratec 1:21 USB Flash Drive Copy Cruiser duplicates up to 21 USB Flash Drives at once. The 1:21 USB Flash Drive Copy Cruiser is a simple, fully integrated unit that connects to your PC with only one USB Cable.
The Aleratec USB Duplication Software Suite is a robust, full featured package with a job wizard that guides you selecting parameters and functions such as Copy Only, Format Only, Format and Copy, Image Copy, Format and Image Copy and allows you to select the number of copies needed. It has a File Copy option where you can select down to the file level for copying from available folders. During a copy job the software displays the number of copies completed successfully.